
Seldon Deploy installs into standard kubernetes clusters and can be accessed by all modern browsers mentioned in the specifications.

Contact the Seldon team with the relevant issue and provide necessary details about your particular install of Seldon Deploy. The version details can be found at the about page of the tool that can be accessed from the user menu on the top-right corner.


This about page displays the Seldon Deploy version details, license details and your browser version. For more details on your specific browser, please visit and share the URL that can provide us with more information about your browser usage like resolution and other support needed.

Browser Specifications

We recommend using the latest browser version available to your operating system. See your browser’s documentation to learn more about checking and updating your version. The project supports all modern browsers based on global usage (> 0.2%). The full list of browser versions supported include stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge and has a global coverage of 91.09%. The full set is listed here

and_chr 86
and_ff 82
and_uc 12.12
chrome 86
chrome 85
chrome 84
chrome 83
chrome 80
chrome 49
edge 86
edge 85
edge 18
firefox 82
firefox 81
ios_saf 14
ios_saf 13.4-13.7
ios_saf 13.3
ios_saf 12.2-12.4
ios_saf 10.3
ios_saf 9.3
opera 71
safari 14
safari 13.1
safari 13
samsung 12.0

Important browser settings To log into and edit your site, check if these browser settings are enabled or disabled in your browser:

  • Cookies - Cookies must be enabled in your browser, per our Cookie Policy. Blocking cookies will interfere with editing your site. JavaScript - JavaScript must be enabled to edit your site. Avoid programs that block JavaScript, like anti-virus software.
  • Browser add-ons or extensions - Browser add-ons might interfere with site editing. While disabling them isn’t always required, we may ask you to disable them when helping you troubleshoot.
  • Browser window sizes Your computer’s screen size determines the maximum browser window resolution. For the best experience editing your site, use a browser window at least 1280 pixels wide and 768 pixels tall.

Last modified November 23, 2020: Adding browser specs as needed (6d873d6)